Greek gnocchi: (goggizes)
A great recipe for fresh, homemade Greek gnocchi...
Boil lentils until become soft, mix with bulgur. Let them dry.
Mix all ingredients together till they come to a burger patty consistency.
Fry with extra virgin olive oil.
Then serve soup spoon portion on Romain heart lettuce wrap must be serve with a lot of lemons.
A great recipe for fresh, homemade Greek gnocchi...
Place the lamb on top of the potatoes...
Garnish the shrimp with parsley...
Top the cooked potato strips with feta cheese...
skewers with pita bread
The soup should be ready to be served...
The Greek lemon chicken should be ready to be served...
Christodoulos, archbishop of Athens and All Greece and head of the Orthodox Church of Greece (1998–2008).
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